Bad news for our Easter plans! After over two years of hiding from covid, it finally caught up with me this Easter break. If you’ve had it you’ll know its a nasty with so many varied symptoms and seems to have a knack for hitting people in their weak points. My son had tummy pains...
Loka samastha, sukhino bhavathu (happiness to all living things) Om shanti shanti shanti (peace, peace, peace) The Shanti Path (Peace Mantra) Cultivating peace – yoga with Clare meets Daisy The sun is shinning the sky is blue and the bog (wet lands) are full of bird song. It’s warm and peaceful, a pet of a...
“Breathing in I calm my body. Breathing out I smile” Peace in every Step by Thich Nat Han Mindful gardening 2015 One cold bright Saturday in January, I walk up and down the field, from hedge to heap, emptying the wheel barrow of hedge cuttings, trimming back the flower beds, observing the new green...
So you want to be a yoga teacher, which yoga teacher training is the best anyway? There are so many options and I wanted to take some time to jot down the things you should look out for on a yoga teacher training and what are the things you need to decide to find the...
Congratulations! You’re pregnant and that can make you a little nervous so what does it mean for your yoga practice? Let’s have a look at the most common yoga poses that are contradicted and why they are on that list. Bear in mind that everybody is different and what might work great for you in...
As I sit down to write the gentle autumn sun is warming the back of my neck, and I can hear the hum of the odd bumble bee as well as the soft breeze brushing through the leaves of the trees and the occasional murmur of crows. The crows remind me of autumn but today...
Ahimsa, is one of the most often quoted yamas in yoga, translated as ‘non-violence’ or ‘non-harming’ in thoughts or words, it is a simple idea and not unique to yoga, ‘do no harm’. We can all nod wisely and agree. Yet is one of the more challenging yamas to practice. Yesterday evening’s classes were themed...
Congratulations, you’re pregnant! At this point there’s no bump and other than a missed period and possibly sore boobs there may not be any other symptoms. That doesn’t mean you won’t feel a change although from the outside life may be going on a normal around you. You may have told your partner, family or...
I stand in front of the mirror applying make up for my first day teaching the 200 hour yoga teacher training on Zoom. I’m not nervous about teaching the yoga teacher trainees. I know the group, they have been really understanding about going online. They are yoga teachers in training, they are a nice bunch....
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