
Clare Bassett

What is meditation?

Meditation is a wonderful practice that has been around for thousands of years.  In fact, early writings on meditation date back to 1500 – 500 BC with the Vedas and Upanisads in India, and archaeologists have discovered ancient seals in cultures like the Indu Valley depicting people seated for meditation. Taoism dates back to 500 […]

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Learning to create sequenced flows that maximise student engagement

Here are my three things you need to know about creating beautiful yoga sequences that maximise student engagement.   Student Engagement First let’s talk about keeping students engaged. It’s important to note that keeping students engaged doesn’t always have to come from very advanced yoga poses or tricky, clever sequencing. Most people chose yoga as a holistic practice for […]

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Babies aren’t teeth!

Babies aren’t teeth.  I know, it seems obvious. It’s a funny thing to say.  Pregnant and scared I went to an antenatal class and was told by a midwife that “you wouldn’t go in to get a tooth pulled without taking pain relief.”  It’s true. I wouldn’t.  I’m not a fan of pain.  I thought, […]

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What have I forgotten? Santosha

What if I’ve forgotten something really important?  Do you ever get that feeling? A sense that there was something else,  something important and it’s just on the edge of the mind, like a marble on a windowsill.  And then comes life, rushing and distracting. The morning leaving the house and rushing back in for the […]

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